Why is image recognition a key function of AI

Why Is Image Recognition A Key Function Of AI?

Why is image recognition a key function of AI? Image recognition becomes an integral part of AI. 

Brief Introduction Of Image Recognition And AI

Firstly, let us know what is AI or artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is a technology that influences users by using the internet. Moreover, its influence is increasing. 

Furthermore, its influence is not limited to the internet. However, as we interact with each other from our work to socioeconomic businesses, AI influences us.

Second, what is image recognition? Image recognition is a software that classifies

  •  Object
  • Places
  • People
  • Writing
  • Action in images

Also, it uses for performing a large number of machine-based visual responsibilities. Such as:

  • designating the content of images with meta-tags
  • overseeing autonomous robots
  • displaying image content search
  • self-driving cars
  • disaster avoidance systems

Why Is Image Recognition A Key Function Of AI?

Image recognition is significant to AI techniques, as images act as sensory input or a key function. The image recognition gives the sense of sight to AI.

So AI can process or be a train to act as its purpose.

An example:

  • A high-end self-driving car is possible with image recognition. Because it can recognize the road, the obstacles, traffic lights. Also, the visual input that registers to AI. Now the self-driving car responding according to its environment.
  • An automatic machine that performs in the warehouse for picking goods. For it to function, it needed to see what are the goods, also where are the designated areas.
  • A farm has a CCTV controlled by a security system. The CCTV will function well if it can detect the animals freely roaming around from an intruder.

The AI system only responds to what sensory input from the environment. Also, the sensory input depends on the application, such as:

  • Email Filtering: Most email services use AI to filter incoming emails. Using image recognition the AI system can classify, what is spam and not.
  • Personalization: Some app uses our previous purchases. These are so they can recommend relevant content for us.
  • Fraud Detection: Banks use AI, to identify any strange activity. Such as different kinds of transactions from our previous history.  
  • Speech Recognition: Some app use speech recognition functions. Such as “Siri” of Apple.

AI And Image Recognition 

Let’s learn more about Image recognition and artificial intelligence.

  • Facial recognition: Influencer Marketing. It is one of the most popular on social media.

It can use as a power recommendation engine. Also, a platform for searching influencers. Moreover, the influential accounts can subscribe to product advertising campaigns.

  • AI stamp recognition in logistics: One of the key areas of AI image recognition is the processing of scanned and digital records. Moreover, it’s very helpful in verifying the origin and authenticity checking of documents.

However, the challenge is the quality of input data. Because some input images will be degraded if:

  • the document is crumpled
  • contain signature
  • marks atop of stamp
  • etc..
  • Lastly, Google Vision to Handle Archived photos: Google Platform, Cloud Vision API provides developers with REST API for creating machine learning models.
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