why cnn is good for image recognition

Why CNN Is Good For Image Recognition?

“CNN is good for image recognition”. One of the immense known and advertised facts. But why is that? Let’s take a look at four reasons.

What Is CNN?

CNN or Convolutional Neural Networks. This is widely used in image recognition problems. Because of its high accuracy. Also, when compared to other techniques, they have a lot of advantages.

Moreover, this is a system of interconnected artificial “neurons”. And also exchange messages with each other.

Connections have weights in numbers that focused on during the training process. So that a well-trained network correctly responds. Especially when presented with an image to identify.

Why CNN For Image Recognition?

While neural networks and other pattern detection techniques are already around. But there was significant progress in the CNN area in the past. Here are the benefits of using CNN for image recognition.

  • The inertia to move and distort the image

The discovery using CNN did rugged with twists. Such as shape change due to camera lens, and different lighting conditions. As well as having slight occasions, vertical and horizontal shifts, and so on.

Yet, CNN’s will change that. Because the same weight change did use throughout the space.

  • Fewer memory requirements

In the convolutional layer, coefficients use in different locations. So the memory requirement is greatly reduced.

  • Easier and better training

On a CNN, since the parameter numbers are greatly reduced, the training time is also reduced.

Reasons That CNN Is Good For Image Recognition

  • Parameters

In a neural network, the number of parameters is growing rapidly. Because of the increasing number of layers.

This can make training difficult for a model. Tuning multiple parameters can be a tremendous task.

But CNN reduced the time spent tuning these parameters.

  • Network

CNN’s are completely associated with the feed-forward neural network.

When it comes to reducing parameters, CNNs are very effective. Because the quality of the models is not lost.

The images have high dimensionality that suits CNN’s described capabilities.

Also, CNN’s formed to maintain the consideration of images. But benchmarks were also met in text processing.

CNN’s are trained that the edges of objects will be identified in any image.

  • Dimensionality Reduced

Achieve a reduction of dimensionality using a sliding window. But with dimensions less than the input matrix.

Smart thinking, consider a little fix of the complete picture at once. This square fix is the window that keeps moving from left to right. As well as top to bottom to cover the total image.

Reduce the excessively exaggerated dimensionality of an image set. How? By using a convolutional calculation.

  • This Fit In The Network

All CNN layers have multiple convolutional filters that work. The complete matrix feature is also scanned. As well as carrying out the reduction of dimensionality.

This allows CNN to be a very fit and apt network. Especially for image recognition and processing.


CNN is truly effective for image recognition. As the idea of dimensionality reduction suits the massive number of parameters in a picture.

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