Who Is Reverse Image Search

Who Is Reverse Image Search?

We will tackle who is the reverse image search. Also, we will discuss the important things about reverse image search.

Know About Reverse Image Search

Who is reverse image search? Reverse image search is a functionality of Google which allows you to find web pages.

That are containing the same or similar images like the one you have. A reverse image search is an important tool that can be used to find similar or the same images from a particular file.

How Does Reverse Search Work?

This is a very interesting question. The answer to this question will give a clear picture of how this reverse search works.

The reverse image search works in two steps. First, it finds all the images with similar content.

Then it finds all the web pages which contain these images. So the special thing about this feature of Google is that it can find any scanned document.

Like books, magazines, etc. Moreover, not only that it can also find pictures that are not on public domains like Facebook or Tumblr.

Let us explain this in detail; firstly, Google goes through all your images (any type of files). Then Google checks if there are any similarities between these images like angles, colors, etc.

Also, based on this it selects some of these images. Google then takes all the web pages containing these selected images.

Moreover, shows results for them in reverse chronological order (most recent first). This way you can view all your similar images on your computer screen.

So just like you are doing with your browser right now.

Step By Step

Here we will show you how google reverse search works step by step. So for as to begin with, open your browser and log in to Google. 

Then type images in the Google search bar. Now, you will get a screen as below:

  • Then click on the “Upload an image” button.
  • Then select the image that you want to search. 
  • Now you have to click on the “Search by image” button.
  • After that, a screen will appear as follows:
  • Now, you should just wait a couple of seconds for your results to appear. 
  • If you like to view more results then click on the result link. (your image)

So this is how google reverse image search works.

Benefits of Reverse Search

What are the benefits of image search? Now let’s see what benefits we can get from using reverse image search from the following: 

Finding Similar Images

This is the most important benefit of using reverse search. You can easily find out different sources which have similar or same pictures as yours. 

Finding Old Pictures:

You can easily find out old pictures through reverse image searches which are not available on public domains like Tumblr, Facebook, etc. 

Easily Find Files

You can easily find the file which you are looking for. It is very difficult to remember some of the file names.

But if you are doing a reverse search then it will be very easy for you to find your files. So that is how to reverse search can help you to find the directory on your computer. 

Finding Documents

Reverse image search can also help you to find documents that are not available on public domains. It will help you in finding documents that are scanned.

So these are some of the benefits of reverse search. You can get more benefits by using this reverse search.

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