Where Can I Image Search

Where Can I Image Search?

In this article, we will help you to know where we can search for images. Also, let us learn information about image search.

Know Where Can I Image Search?

What is image search? Image search is a way to search for images on the web. 

Searching for images is a very common activity on the internet. Image search engines provide a fast and convenient way to find images from the Web. 

There are two types of image search engines, which are the following:

1) General search engine

2) Image recognition engine.

Let us know in detail way from the following:

General Image Search Engine

This general image search engine provides the results from the web-based on IPTC keywords or files extension. Sometimes it also provides results from other sources such as Google Images. 

Google Images is a good example of a general search engine. Google Images did not have anything special about it.

Except that it did a good job at searching. Also, did a good job delivering a large number of results on its results pages.

Image Recognition Engine

A unique attribute of the image recognition engine is that it does not depend on keywords. Moreover, on file extensions to return results. 

Instead, it uses artificial intelligence to process the images and identify their content. So the content, in this case, is usually human faces or other objects in an image. 

This saves our time in searching because we can directly upload an image. Also, let the system do the searching for us. 

These engines use machine learning that has been trained to recognize specific objects in images. The main drawback with image recognition engines. 

It is that they only work well with specific types of objects, e.g., faces, celebrities, etc… For this reason, you may not get many results when searching for something like a dog or cat.

Also, even if there are images with dogs or cars in them. This doesn’t mean these engines are not useful; they are very useful indeed.

But it just means that you need to know what you’re looking for before using them. Image recognition engines include: 

Google Lens (uses artificial intelligence), 

Pinterest Lens (uses artificial intelligence), 

Facebook AI (uses artificial intelligence), 

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services (uses artificial intelligence), 

IBM Watson Visual Recognition (uses artificial intelligence). 

Where Can I Photo Search?

Now let us answer the question: where can I photo search? There are many places where we can perform an image search. 

We can perform an image search with the help of Google Images. Also, Pinterest Lens, Bing Search, Facebook AI, etc. 

Moreover, we can also perform search with the help of the following websites: 

  • Shutterstock
  • Unsplash 
  • Pixabay 
  • DepositPhotos
  • iStockPhoto 

In short, there are various sources from which we can perform an image search. We have to be careful while searching for a picture.

Why? because many fake pictures are floating on the internet. So we must be careful while searching for pictures. 

Moreover, we have to check the source from which we have taken that picture.

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