When Does Image Recognition Came Up

When Does Image Recognition Came Up?

Let’s talk about when does image recognition came up and what is the purpose of this? Which is trendy topic of this era.

The Beginning Of Image Recognition

Image recognition is first developing and name as Visual Artificial Intelligence or Visual AI in short. AI technologies develop a lot, and we have seen that.

Because of that, we have high-tech software and computer vision industries. All thanks to AI.

Although, AI has gone through a lot of changes. From research development to implementation. 

Here are some techies that we enjoy so much,

  • Smartphones the most common. It’s very handy and almost the population has it.
  • Computer simulations use for creating, producing, and assessing complex systems.
  • The virtual reality where you can experience a very similar experience to the real world.
  • Newest updates of iPhones. It uses the face ID for the unlocking function.

The Year 1950s

A researcher name Alan Turing stated that “Human uses what is available information when it comes to problem-solving and decision making”. 

He thinks that if humans are capable of doing so, why not computers also do the same. And it came up, the first framework of the computing machinery and intelligence.

Moreover, he does not limit his framework. He also does testing for its computer intelligence.

However, in the year of 1950s, the computer was really expensive. Thus, it hinders the AI. Until the year 1960s…

The Year 1960s – 70s

Artificial Intelligence becomes known. Here is an example,

  • The demonstration of AI at an early age is called Newell, Simon’s General Problem Solver, and Joseph Weizenbaum’s ELIZA. These ventures are making major steps for problem-solving.
  • In this demonstration, the Government didn’t hold back. They help in funding.

Moreover, because of this the successful beginning of AI start in the 60s – 70s. This is all thanks to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

However, it just the beginning. We have a long way to go. 

In this year’s 1960s developers saw that computer vision is improving. Also, during this time the human vision system was starting to develop.

The Year 1980s

This year is where AI was largely funded and as a result, it increases in developing. Also, a scientist John Hopfield and David Rumelhart generalized the “deep learning”. 

The computers could now learn user experience. However, everything that they wanted hasn’t yet come to success.

The Year 1990s – 2000s

In this era, AI began to grow again. All thanks to government funding and the hype surrounding.  

Because of increasing development, many goals have been achieved.

An example;

  • In the year 1997s a chess-playing computer program has used. This program is one of the landmarks of AI. It shows to the public how AI run a machine and what it is capable of.

However, only in the year 2005 a researcher interest in image recognition. Having the goal of a feature detector for using image recognition.

The year the 2010s – 2020s

Here comes our decade. Where image recognition is well developed. Many of our expectations meet by our technologies.

In 2015 the Convolutional neural network or CNN develops moreIR tools with more accuracy. 

Also today, many developers and companies such as Google and Amazon are capable of using standard image recognition.

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