What is pattern recognition in image processing

What Is Pattern Recognition In Image Processing?

What is pattern recognition in image processing? These is application of recognition of an object in images.

What Is Pattern Recognition?

In the digital world, everything is made of patterns. Therefore, the pattern can either be seen physically. Furthermore, it can be observes mathematically by applying algorithms.

Pattern recognition is the method of identifying patterns by using machine learning. Also, it can establish a classification of data.

Therefore, these data are based on details extracted from patterns and presentations. Also, pattern recognition involves classification and cluster patterns.

Training And Learning In Pattern Recognition

This is the stage where the system is train. Also, displays an adapter to provide a result accurately.

In the learning phase, the system depends on which algorithm did the data. The dataset is categories into two:

  1. Training set: use for building a model. It consists of the images that will use in training the system.

Therefore, the algorithms and training rules use to give relevant information. It also, start with input data associate with output decision. Almost 80% is used for training data.

  1.  Testing Set: this is to test the system accuracy. So, this set of data is use for verifying the system.

Moreover, it verifies the system if it’s performing the exact output after being equips. Almost 20% of the dataset is used for testing.

DATA -> Training data -> To build the system

DATA-> Testing data -> To check the correctness of the system

Pattern Recognition: The Applications

  • Image processing- Pattern recognition is used to give human recognition intelligence. Therefore, these are required for image processing.
  • Computer vision – Pattern recognition serves to obtain essential features from a given image or video.

Pattern Recognition In Image Processing

Pattern recognition in image processing is distributing the input data into things to classes based on key features. 

It has two classification methods.

  1. Supervised Classification
  2. Unsupervised Classification

This how it applies in Image Processing and Computer vision:

Supervised Classification

The classification where input data in the guide recognition method. It practices supervising learning algorithms. Therefore, these will build classifiers based on training data from different object classes.

Such as:

  • Object detection
  • Character recognition
  • Face recognition
  • Object classification
  • Face detection

Detecting a person using vector machines. Also, Histogram Oriented Gradient feature extraction

Unsupervised Classification

This method works by finding hidden structures. Moreover, it is unlabeled data using segmentation or clustering. Thus, some of the unsupervised classification methods:

  • K-means Clustering: It is a partition’s data into a k-distinct cluster. It also base on the distance to the centroid.
  • Gaussian mixtures models: this is a model cluster. It also a mix of multivariate density components.

In image processing, there are unsupervised pattern recognition techniques. Therefore, it is for object detection and image segmentation.


Therefore, pattern recognition is a developing and creating field. That supports the improvement of their fields, such as:

  • Image processing
  • Content and record examination
  • Radar processing
  • Speech recognition
  • Text classification
  • etc..

Furthermore, it is an essential tool for image processing. How it emphasizes the extraction of variant features. Moreover, it makes classifier computationally efficient. 

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