What Is Image Recognition Wiki?

What Is Image Recognition Wiki?

We will tackle in this discussion about the idea of image recognition in wiki. Also, what is image recognition in basic terms?

Idea Of Image Recognition Wiki?

Lots of articles are discussing the idea of image recognition. They have their different definition of it.

But, in this discussion, we will share with you what is image recognition in Wiki. Wiki is oneof the popular website that explains or tackle everything they know.

So, Wikipedia defines image recognition as a part of computer vision. Also, it is a part of the computer system method.

That defines as image recognition a classifying of a detected object into different categories. Moreover, recognition is a classical problem in computer vision and image processing.

But also a machine vision that can determine of an image or not the image. It is data that contains some specific object and feature with activity.

Different Types Of Recognition

So there are different varieties of the recognition problem that described in the literature from the following:

  • Object recognition

It also calls object classification. So. this is one and more pre-specified and learning object or object classes that can be recognized.

Also, it usually together with their 2D positions in image and 3D poses in a scene. Blippar and Google Goggles are providing a stand-alone program the illustrate this functionality.

  • Identification

This is an individual instance of an object recognized. For example, it includes the identification of a specific person’s face and fingerprints.

Also, it can identify handwritten digits and identification of a specific vehicle.

  • Detection

This is image data that are scanned for a specific condition. It includes the detection of possible abnormal cells and tissues in a medical image.

Moreover, it can detection of a vehicle in an automatic road toll system. So, this detection is base on almost a simple and fast way to figure.

It is sometimes used, for finding smaller regions of interesting image data. That can be analyzed by more computationally demanding techniques to produce a correct interpretation.

Additional Info

Recognition is using the best algorithm for some tasks base on convolutional neural networks. It can illustrate their capabilities that given the Imagenet large-scale visual recognition challenge.

So, a benchmark in object classification and detection with millions of images. Moreover, the performance of convolutional neural networks on the imagenet test.

Having the best algorithms are still difficult with the object that are small. Let say that a small ant on the stem of a flower, then a person holding a quill in their hand.

Also, they have trouble with an image that has been distorted with filters. So, by contrast, and those kinds of images rarely trouble humans. 

However, human tends to have trouble with other issues. For example that they are not good at classifying objects into fine-grain classes.

So, it is a particular breed of species of bird that convolutional neural networks handle with ease. There are many specialize task that base on image recognition some is in the following:

  • Content-based image retrieval
  • optical character recognition
  • 2D code reading
  • Pose estimation
  • Facial recognition
  • Shape recognition technology
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