what is image processing and pattern recognition

What Is Image Processing And Pattern Recognition?

What are image processing and pattern recognition? In this article, we will find out one by one. So just keep on reading.

Image Processing And Pattern Recognition Definition

Pattern recognition is the ability or process to find patterns in a set of objects.

Moreover, this is a machine learning branch. Also, focused on identifying patterns and structures in data.

Furthermore, pattern recognition is related to yet not the same as the fields of AI and machine learning. Also, it tends to be marked as an art. As well as science.

While image processing is a technique to change an image to digital form. Also performs operations on it. So that you can get an enhanced picture. Als well as get some useful information from that image.

Image processing is a form of signal dispensation. Because the input is an image. For example the video or photo frame. And output may be images or qualities related to that image.

Moreover, image processing is using two types of methods. Such as digital and analog image processing.

Image processing is divided into task sets. Here are the following:

  • Visualization – behold the things which are not seen.
  • Sharpening and restoration of an image – creating a better image.
  • Pattern measurement – measuring different objects in the image.
  • Retrieval of an image – find an interest in the image
  • Image recognition – identify objects in an image.

Software Of Image Processing And Pattern Recognition

Many software has been developed for pattern recognition. Such as the following:

  • LIBSVM – Support Vector machines library.
  • SVM light – a software for Support Vector machines
  • PRTools – a pattern recognition toolbox actualized in Matlab
  • Weka – an open-source java project proposed for data mining.
  • MATLAB – comes with plenty of useful tools. Like in testing and implementing pattern recognition algorithms.

While the following are the image processing software:

  • Intel Open Computer Vision Library
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing tools
  • Microsoft Vision SDL Library
  • Khoros
  • Matlab

Image Processing Steps Involved

The following three steps usually involve image processing:

  • Import images using an optical scanner or through digital photography.
  • Image analysis and manipulation. Including image enhancement, data compression, and detection patterns.
  • The output is the final stage. So the result can be a modified image or report based on the analysis of the image.

Applications Image Processing

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems

This method is available in traffic sign recognition. As well as automatic number plate recognition.

  • Remote Sensing

In this application, the sensors capture images of the earth’s surface on remote sensing satellites. Also in a multi-spectral scanner mounted on a plane.

  • Moving object tracking

Allows this application to measure the motion parameters. Aside from that, moving objects will capture visual records.

  • Defense surveillance

The use of Aerial surveillance techniques is to continuously check land and oceans.

  • Biomedical Imaging techniques

The use of these techniques is for medical diagnosis. As well as different imaging tools types. Such as ultrasound, x-ray, and so on.

  • Automatic Visual Inspection System

This application gives improvement to the product quality and productivity in industries.

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