What Is Image Analysis Pattern Recognition

What Is Image Analysis Pattern Recognition?

In this discussion, we will share with you the answer to the question. What are image analysis and pattern recognition?

Information About What Is Image Analysis Pattern Recognition

We will discuss with you first what is image analysis or also known as image recognition. A computer can recognize characteristics within the image.

One of those examples is Google Photos and Apple’s photos application. These two are the use of some basic image analysis features.

It is to recognize faces and categories them in your photo. So, as you can look at all of your photos in a particular person.

For example, type a horse into the search function. Within your mobile app, it quickly locates your collection of horse photos.

Another example may be to type beach to find your tropical vacation pics. So, this analysis can help you to find what you need.

Furthermore, social media analytics are starting with and continues to be base on text analysis. However, image analysis is becoming essentail today.

So, it applies to social media analytics then image analysis is an extension of the text analysis feature.

Extra Information

The same method of categorization is applied to image analysis. So, if you’re looking at all the post that contains the word computer.

This object recognition can show you all the posts that contain photos of a computer. Also, image analysis can identify faces within phots.

It is to determine the sentiment and gender with age or more. So, it can recognize multiple elements within a photo at the same time the include the following:

  • Logos
  • face
  • Activeis
  • Objects
  • Scene

Therefore, this technology can automatically caption the image of a man and a woman standing outside. So, these are some basic details that can give by an image analyst.

About Pattern Recognition

On the other hand, this pattern recognition is a data analyst. It is a method that uses machine learning algorithms.

So, this will automatically recognize patterns and regulations in data. Moreover, data can be anything from a text and image to sounds and other definable qualities.

Therefore, the pattern recognition system can recognize familiar patterns quickly and accurately. Also, they can recognize and classify an unfamiliar object.

It can recognize shapes and objects from different angles. Moreover, identify patterns and object even if they are partially obscure.

So. this pattern recognition have a variety of application that includes the following:

  • Image processing
  • Speech
  • Fingerprint recognition
  • Aerial photo interpretation
  • Optical character recognition

Also, this pattern can scan documents such as in the following:

  • Contracts
  • Photographs
  • Even mdeical imgageign
  • Diagnosis.

Therefore, this recognition is also the technology behind data analytics. One of those examples is the technique that can be used to predict stock market outcomes.


Both image analysis and pattern recognition are places emphasizing rapid publishing. So, there are major topics that include the following:

  • The mathematical theory of pattern recognition
  • Raw data representaiton
  • Computer vision
  • Image processing
  • Machine learning 
  • Computer graphics 
  • Data and knowledge bases
  • Neural net and software
  • Speciaize computer architeureters
  • Application
  • Etc.
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