What is Google Image Recognition

What is Google Image Recognition?

What is google image recognition that they create? So, in this discussion, we will show you what google recognition app they made.

What Is Google Image Recognition

The popularity of image recognition technology has made companies use it. This google company one of those companies adopt.

So, Google is creating an image recognition application that they call Google Goggles. This app is a recognition mobile that uses for visual search technology.

Also, to identify objects through the camera of a mobile device. So, the user can take a picture of the physical object.

Then this application will search and retrieve information about the image. Here are some of Google Goggles mobile apps can do from the following:

  • Recognizing and offering information for historical landmarks
  • It can scan a barcode and QR codes
  • Recognize the books, CDs, artwork, and logos
  • You can add contact information by scanning the business cards
  • Recognize and conduct from googles search for a similar product
  • It can solve the sudoku puzzles game
  • Translate foreign languages text

The best thing about this application feature is that can translate foreign text. So, it is good for persons who like traveling and visiting foreign-speaking countries.

Also, the good thing about this application it is a very handy feature for us.

Google Reverse Image

It is another recognition application product by google company. This googel reverese imager serachr is a search with iamge.

So, if you found the perfect image, but it has the wrong size. Then you need an image that has the same as the one you have.

This application is what you need. So, this image recognition application is allowing you to upload an image.

Then it will perform of searching with it. Moreover, the good thing about this application is that just intuitive.

So, as a typical textbase google search and retain the power of Googe. Here some examples of how you could use this app from the following:

  • You need to find the source of an image. So, you can credit it correctly
  • Searching for improper use of an image that is yours. 

So, if the image exists on the internet. This google reverse image search will help you to find what you look for.

Google API Cloud Vision

Google company, has the application programming interface cloud vision. This will allows you to analyze an image in many ways.

So, from recognizing specific content going to detecting emotional tips in faces. It has a wide suite of features that has versatile applications.

Also, that can be adapt to meet your specific needs. So, beyond its flexibility, this recognition app can carry within the power of google.

It means one of the most powerful applications you can find for.

Google Lens Features

This is also created by Google company. It is a fantastic app that allows you to capture an image with a smartphone camera.

Then it can perform an image-based search on the web. So, it works just the same as the google image reverse search that we mention above.

It offers the user a link to pages and Wikipedia articles.

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