what is ai image recognition

What Is AI Image Recognition And Its Uses?

Another popular trend is AI image recognition. Now, join the trend. So learn what is AI image recognition and how it works. 

No worries, just keep reading. We will explain that here in detail. 

What Is AI Image Recognition? 

AI means Artificial Intelligence. And image recognition without AI does not seem to be the same. An effective software does not decode images only. But it also has the ability to predict. Artificial intelligence is to utilize plenty of data to make informed decisions. 

Image recognition, an important part of artificial intelligence. That is widespread with each passing day. 

What Are The Uses? 

AI image recognition is used in many industries. Following are the main uses of this technology. 

AI Recognition In Visual Search

A novel technology, controlled by AI. Allowing the user to play out an online search. By utilizing true pictures as a substitute for text. One of the examples of image recognition applications is the Google lens.  

In visual search, to perform searches, we use images. For instance, in visual search, we will put a picture of a cat. Also, the computer will process the picture. And the image description will come out. 

Other than Google, a lot of huge companies also used AI photo recognition technology. Such as Pinterest, Amazon, Snapchat, and Microsoft for Bing search. 

Organizing Images

Nowadays, we know that everyone has access to a smartphone using a camera. With this, we all want to capture every moment of our lives. And it becomes a big challenge at times. Like organizing the number of photos and videos we captured. 

Image recognition of AI technology will help you with this puzzle. How? By enabling users to organize those videos and pictures into classifications. Leading to upgrade availability later. Aside from that, not just users will benefit from upgraded search and discovery. However, they can likewise easily share the content with other people.

Content Moderation 

AI-enabled image recognition helps with content moderation. To secure the content shared. Also meeting community guidelines, and serving the main purpose of the platform. 

AI Image Recognition Helps Visually Impaired Users

The most encouraging benefit of this technology. Today, many of us rely on visual aids for entertainment. Such as videos and pictures. But, for those visually impaired there’s a disadvantage. 

In the past, visually impaired users employed screen readers. Just to understand and evaluate information. Today, most online content is converted to a visual-based format. Thus making the user experience more difficult. Especially for people living with visual impairment or blindness.

Image recognition technology promises to solve their problems. By providing touch or sound sensory information as an alternative.  

Create Innovative Applications

We already discussed a lot about the usual uses of AI image recognition. But this technology also helps us to develop some mind-blowing applications. Also, that will basically change in the way we live.

From conceiving city guides and self-driving cars. As well as going to virtual reality applications and vivid gaming. AI recognition technology simplifies the development of applications. Which we thought would not have been a few years ago.

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