What If Image Recognition Is Wrong in Prime Photos?

What if image recognition is wrong in prime photos? That became a problem for many users three years ago. 

If you are using the prime photos on your computer or mobile phone, you may encounter this. You may have confused about the wrong tagging of people. 

But, it still the same? Does it have a solution now? Or, will it always remains a problem? 

In this article, we will learn and know more about prime photos. Also, we will learn what steps will work if you encounter these problems. 

What is Prime Photos?

It is an online storage system that you can use for keeping photos. 

The software also gives free 5Gb of storage for your pictures. 

Prime Photos can automatically recognize faces. It is made so that you will not find it hard to group your album records. 

Also, you will keep the high quality of the image. So, you do need to worry if you will transfer it there. 

But, there was one concern about the tagging. 

Image Recognition Problem

You may have siblings or relatives that look like you. In Prime Photos, your face may be in the wrong group.

Why is it a problem? It is because you will not be arranged. Instead of organizing it, your albums may be messed up. 

It will be okay if the person mistaken will just have a few pictures. 

But, the problem is you are always with the person. So, is there any solution for it?

Wrong Recognition of Image Solution

As mentioned above, Prime Photos automatically tag people’s faces. 

Just recently, the software has a new feature. Now, you can manually tag the person and identify him or her. 

Also, you will not have a problem when you are making an album. You will not need to find a hard time grouping.

One of the help is that you will save time. Even if you need some effort, in the beginning, you will not have it after. 

Also, you will achieve a clean order of your albums. You do not need to remove the different faces that got mixed from the album. 

But, you may still face errors about the feature in the future. What should you do?

The customer service is helpful. You can write a review of the application. 

Through that, you will let the developers know. So, you can receive a better application performance in the future. 


What if image recognition is wrong in prime photos? You can manually tag the person. 

Prime Photos will tag the person’s identity automatically.

 So, if you can also choose manual tagging. So that it will not confuse you.

One useful reason is that you will achieve if you want to have an arranged album. You may have a relative or sibling that may look alike, so this setting can help. 

But if you still encounter an error, you can always message the Prime Photos support. 

Also, you can write a review of the application. So, you will experience good service. 

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