Apps For Reverse Image

List Of Apps For Reverse Image Search

Now let us learn about reverse image search and the following list of apps having this as a feature. Also, let’s see it in a more detailed way.

Reverse Image Search And Apps

Let us first learn what reverse image search is? Reverse image search is a feature that lets us find out about the original source of some images. 

This feature is generally used by people who are interested in taking photos of famous monuments, or places. But now, it is also becoming popular among meme-makers and those who love to make fun of people.

There are many apps that have this feature. It is for which we can use to find out the original source of the image or photo.

You might be using one of them right now. But I thought of sharing this list with you all.

I have also tried each and every one of them and I am pretty sure that you will love them.

Here is the list of apps that let us find out about the source of the image or photo

Reverse Image Search By Google (Android)

Google’s reverse image search is one of the best apps. Especially for finding out the source of an image or photo on Google’s platform.

This app has been introduced by Google to ease up our search for finding out the source of a particular image or photo. This app is available only on android devices.

Also, it can be used to find out about any images from your device’s gallery, or from any other web sources.

You just need to open an image in this app. Then click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom right corner.

Next, it will show you a few more options. Such as tags, similar images, details, and other sources.

You just need to select an option here for searching about a photo in detail. You can even directly share an image from this app with other apps.

Therefore, if you want to show it to someone else. So you can say that this app has almost all the features.

Which we need for using as a reverse image search tool for android devices. If you want to give it a try then download Google Reverse Image Search from Play Store Here

TinEye (Web)

TinEye is a reverse image search engine. Which lets us find out about the source of any photo in detail by searching through its huge database.

Moreover, it contains billions of images and billions of more metadata records about those images/photos themselves as well as their creators. The best part about TinEye is that it lets us search within the results.

Also so that we get more accurate results related to our query, but It also needs to be said that TinEye does not let you download the results.

But it is no big deal. Why? Because it has some other features which can make up for that.

Such as TinEye’s reverse image search can be accessed through a web browser.

So if you are not using any android device and do not want to install any app for searching about an image or photo. Then this is the best choice for you.

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