Is Face Recognition The Same As Image Classification

Is Face Recognition The Same As Image Classification?

What is face recognition and image classification is the same thing? Also, how these two works in works? These are the following questions we will discuss in this article.

Introduction About The Face Recognition And Image Classification

Face recognition and image recognition are the same in one concept. They both use machine learning to work serves their purpose.

For an instance, we have thousands of images that we want to train. With machine learning, they can be automatically detected.

So once, it is detected, it will be classified from one another, that how machine learning works. We can say that both face recognition and image classification is an engineering application.

Here we will understand more about these two, by learning the basics facts.

The Face Recognition

Face recognition aside that it is the product of machine learning, it is also a technique. It is a technique that allows machines to interpret and categorize things.

This thing refers to the images that they see in a certain photo or video. So how it works? By the training process of a certain image as input and output.

For instance, if I want to create a model that able to automatically knows whether it is a dog or a cat, it will follow like this:

  • The training will include labeling if it is a dog or a cat.
  • Include the model input of the image or the video frame.
  • Model output is the classification of the name. Here, there is a confidence score where it will indicate the likelihood of the image.

Also, face recognition is a large range of computer vision tasks. It is related to the general problem of pattern recognition.

The importance of face recognition is, it is the most foundational computer vision task. Aside from that, here are the broad highlights of its function.

  • Automation of the image organization.
  • User-generated content regulation.
  • It develops the visual search.
  • It creates interactive marketing and creative campaigns.

The mention above is a good result of face recognition, however, it is not limited only to that. There is a long list of its good results.

Image Classification

Although image classification is one of the products of machine learning, it belongs to the subfield of deep learning. So it is a process where the computer can analyze images and identifies them.

So after it is analyzed, it will fall to the class where it belongs. For instance, building, car, pet, and the list go on.

To have a better understanding, let us know more about what is deep learning.

Deep learning as mention is a subfield of face recognition. So deep learning lets the computer learn from certain data. Also, the process involves neural networks.

Using the neural networks, that filters the inputs using many layers of the nodes. So these nodes have their process of how the input will give a result.

Moreover, the process will continue until it will reach the output layer. When it reaches the output layer, then it will answer.

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