how image search works

Image Search Explain: How Image Search Works?

Image Search has what it takes to search for the right picture from billions of images out there. It is a marvel technology that uses the power of Google and artificial intelligence to search for the right one. 

However, it is more than that, as Google already has an Image Search feature in which users can search for an image.

Image search will use algorithms along with Google’s knowledge graph to bring you the best results, but there is one thing that it will not do: tell you what colour or clothing item the image is about. This is where Google Lens comes in, which will help you do so!

What Is Google Lens?

Google Lens is also known as Google Goggles. It has been around since 2012. The latest version of Google Lens will be available in every Android phone running Android 7.0 Nougat or higher. To activate this feature, you have to follow the following steps:

Open up your camera app; Once you are in the camera mode, tap on the “More” icon on the top right corner; Now, tap on “Lens”; You will see a circle with an arrow pointing up; Tap on it and then tap on “Tap here to try now”; 

You will be redirected to the Pixel 2 page where you can see a live demo of how Lens works; Choose what object you want to scan;

 You can either take a picture or video of whatever object you want; Once done, Google Lens will analyze and tell you what it thinks the thing is about and most likely, it will be right.

Google Image: What is it?

Google Image is Google’s search engine for images. It accesses through the Google Search app or the website. To use Google Image, you have to follow these steps:

Click on Google Images; Choose the image you want; 

Find the different ideas that you wish to; Click on the “Search by Image” button; Once you do so, you will see different images from a particular website and if you want to save them, just click on the “Download” button;

To add an image to a website, just click on the “Add to your webpage” icon at the top right corner of your screen and then copy and paste it into your site wherever you want it. If you’re going to create a collage of images, click on the “Create collage” icon at the top left corner of your screen.

Benefits of Google Image

One of the most beneficial features of Google Image is that it shows images in high resolution. This means that you can get a clearer picture, even if it is small.

You can also find images from all over the world and not just from one country. This is because Google automatically searches for photos from different countries to show you their culture.

Another benefit of Google Image is that it shows you images with the same colour and shape as your query. This means that you have a better chance of finding what you are looking for without looking at other images.

You can also find images with the same colour and shape as your query, making it easier to find what you are looking for without looking at other photos.

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