how to use image search

How To Use Image Search In 2021?

This guide will get you the right answer for a question like how to use image search. Check out this post to find out more. 

How To Use Image Search In 2021?

To further define the image search landscape, it is important to understand how image search works.

Image Search Is a Natural Language Search

There are two types of image search: reverse image search, which finds similar images, and surface web search, which searches for an exact match.

I prefer to use reverse image search since it is more accurate and easy to use. You don’t have to know what you’re looking for. Just describe what you see in the image you want to find.

Here is an example of a reverse image search:

Image Search Is More Accurate Than Google

A study by BrightEdge found that Google Image search returns more relevant results than Google web search. For example, in this experiment, Google Image returned images of a certain type of car more accurately than Google web did:

Image Search Is Closely Related To Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The top ranking images usually have good SEO because they attract more links and social shares than the other images on the page. And while SEO has changed over the years, the fundamentals remain the same: optimize your site for keywords relevant to your product or service. 

his includes using meta tags, alt tags, keywords in the <title> tag, etc. And if possible, optimize your images for your keywords as well (we will discuss this in detail later). The more keywords you have on your page and image, the higher ranking you will get in image search results. It’s that simple.

4. Image Search Results Are Personalized To Your Interests & Location

As you can see below in this screenshot of my Google Image results for “torture”, my results are personalized because they reflect my personal interests and location.

How to Use It?

To use image search, first search for the product or service you want to promote.

Then, look at the top results. If you want to ensure that your image shows up in image search results, make sure it has good SEO on your site.

Optimize Your Images For SEObitious

Now that we have established how image search works and what it can do for your business, I will show you how to use it in 2021.

Remember that images are crucial for SEO.

They are the most important assets on your site, because they attract more links, social shares and traffic than any other content type. And since Google Image Search is now more accurate than Google web search, optimizing your images for SEO can help you rank higher in image search results. 

To get started, optimize your images for keywords relevant to your product or service. For example, if you own a shoe store and sell running shoes, optimize the following images for running-related keywords:

Make Your Images Shareable & Linkable

When optimizing your images for SEO, make sure they are shareable and linkable as well (with permission of course). These days people are more likely to share funny images than boring text-heavy content (refer back to my article on why boring content is bad).

So if you want people to share your content online AND link to it from their own sites, make sure it is easy to digest and fun to view — especially if you want them to link back to it in an article or blog post (if they like what they see).

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