how to use image recognition for business

How To Use Image Recognition For Business?

The different sectors of companies are adopting image recognition that creates a revolution. But how to use image recognition for your business?

How To Use Image Recognition For Business?

From a business perspective, image recognition main application are the following:

  • Face recognition
  • Visual geolocation
  • Security 
  • Object recognition
  • Surveillance
  • Code recognition
  • Gesture recognition
  • Industrial automation
  • Image analysis in driver assistance and medical

These applications in many fields create growth opportunities. Let’s take a look at how image recognition creates a revolution. Especially to some business sectors.

E-commerce Industry

The adoption rate of this technology, the highest in e-commerce. Including advertising and search. Through image recognition, your smartphone can transform. And become a virtual showroom. How? By using it in mobile applications on identifying some specific products.

Furthermore, it conveys a more interactive view of the world. By doing everything they can find. Such as the following examples: 

  • Image Searcher Inc.’s

CamFind API. A well-known example of image recognition. This technology allows for an advanced level of mobile commerce.

CamFind recognizes items. Such as shoes, watches, sunglasses, and bags. And also about the purchase options, they return it to the user. Prospective buyers can make a live product comparison. Even without checking any website. Developers can also utilize image recognition API. Such as developing their own commerce application

  • ViSenze

An artificial intelligence company like CamFind. They solve search problems in the real world. But by the use of image recognition and deep learning.

Online shoppers used products made by ViSenze. As well as media owners and internet retailers. So that they can use it for Ad targeting and product recommendation.     

Gaming Industry Use Image Recognition

Image recognition and computer vision technology can also transform the gaming industry. In fact, this revolution began already.

Like for example, the Microsoft Kinect video game. They hold the Guinness World Record. Because of being the fastest-selling consumer electronics device.

Their game, based on computer vision. Also, in real time it monitors the human body. Which fits serious gamers. More inclined to the ones with activity in reality away from the device.

So this technology holds the key to developing new user experiences. And also new user interfaces. Combined mashed image technologies with geo-targeting and in-app purchases. Resulting in advertising or search-based commerce starts to move into the real world. Also opens the door to incredible business opportunities. To grow the size of AdWords.

Automotive Industry

Image recognition and processing became an integral part of autonomous vehicles. That pioneered by Uber and Google. Future cars are expected to see obstacles. Also gives you warning about closeness to guardrails and paths. Even reading stoplights and road signs.

So Computer vision systems powered by in-depth learning. Trained with thousands of images. Such as images of roads, humans, and road signs. Also taken in different weather conditions. These feed to neural networks. Furthermore, systems become smarter. If entering more training data into the system.


The above examples, also applicable to your business. Not only in big industries. Image recognition can be applied in small ways to get benefits. This technology, primarily used to encourage social sharing. And also to engage the audience.

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