how to name image files for seo recognition

How To Name Image Files For SEO Recognition?

Naming image files for SEO will improve the ranking of your search engine. But how to name image files for SEO recognition?

We will now discuss some of the very easy tips.

After you get this tip, there’s also SEO image optimization tips later in this article. Don’t miss it out.

Why Images For SEO?

Blog post pictures offer various SEO benefits. Includes your web pages images:

  • Making your articles easy to read.
  • Expands social sharing.
  • Allowing more keywording opportunities.
  • It may send you traffic from Google image searches.

Let’s break down the basics. How you can name image files to be more SEO friendly.

How To Name Image Files For SEO Recognition?

Because you know your SEO basics, you are already using your best keywords. Particularly in your headline.  As well as in your URL.

So copy and paste it for the names of your image!

Make sure the keywords and the image work together. Your keyword phrase should describe the image.

Let’s check the step:

  • Optimize your page URL for your keyword phrase

Edit your URL. Such as putting hyphens on it.

For example, if the main keyword for the post is “how to name images for SEO and SEO images”. You can edit the URL to “how-to-name-images-SEO”. Removing an excess word (also called “stop words”).

  • Copy your edited URL / keyword phrase.

Paste that phrase now. Along with hyphens, when saving (or renaming) what you upload for your blog post.

If you use more than one image, you can save them to -1, -2, and so on added at the end.

  • Copy the keyword phrase from the title of your blog post

In this part, upload your image. But you should paste the keyword phrase as Alt Text of the image.

Tips To Optimize Image Files For SEO Recognition

Using Clear And Descriptive File Names

Aim to make it easier for Google to understand your image file names.

For example, suppose you are Google. Then you have encountered an image entitled: Image01.jpeg. Do you know what that image means?

It is better to name an image file beyond the lines of Name-Images-SEO-2020.jpeg. Particularly if the page content is also about naming images for SEO.

Importantly, the more clues Google can use to find out what a site is about, the better. But you should be careful also. Like writing extra long file names. Even filling in keywords.

Using Keyword-rich Alt Text

Alt text refers only to an alternate text for images. When a web browser cannot provide it properly.

Also, if you decide to use an image as a link. Be sure to include alt text associated with the destination of the link. To improve the experience of the user.

Context Is Key

Where possible, make sure of the images. That it should be placed close to the related text. So that you won’t confuse the search engines.

Search engines evaluate which page is the image. Also the content around that image.To separate important information about the subject of your image.

For example, do not feature an image of recipes in cooking. Especially if the content you plan is about business goals.

Add Images To Your Sitemap

Website owners were encouraged by google to submit a sitemap. So that they can help you crawl your image better. And add them to their search results.

Just like including images in your site’s XML sitemap. Or you can also create a separate image sitemap to submit.

It is important to note that user experience should always come first.

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