how to make image recognition app

How To Make Image Recognition Apps?

Apps that recognize faces or images are no longer new nowadays. But how to make image recognition apps? Let’s find out.


The market today is full of popular image recognition apps. Because it attracts many loyal users. Then started earning good money.

By reading this article, you will learn the purpose of an image recognition system. Also, you will have an understanding of how it works. And find out some great development options.

Then, identify yourself with the best image recognition apps. And obtain other relevant information on the subject.

Image Recognition Apps Idea

These programs can recognize faces. But not only that but also other known objects. Such as animals, furniture, food, and so on. There are many types of ideas.

But we just have to remember the main thing. Making sure that your database is extensive and constantly growing. Especially if you want your image recognition app to identify a specific object in the photo. This is more to its discovery.

How Does It Work?

As a rule, image recognition is the processing of a pixel and matching of an image.

Moreover, it is a process of a person’s comparison. Someone caught by the lens of the camera. With a database saved previously and recognized face images.

Stages To Make Image Recognition App

In creating a mobile app for image recognition, you need to get an idea of the steps you have to do to continue. So, what stages really make up the identification process? Here are the following:

  • Initial Face Discovery

First, the face in the image must be detected by the system. Right now it’s not about recognizing someone, but you are looking at a human face

  • Identifying Reference Points

Now there is more work to be done. The program discovers reference features on the face. Those that can discover the person’s individual characteristics.

  • Frontal Face Building

To smooth the process of matching objects, you should adjust the face to capture the front image.

  • Feature Descriptor Calculation

The descriptor is now calculated. A set of features that describe the human face. Regardless of the hairstyle, age, and so on. To be accurate, we must obtain a specific digital image. So that a further comparison is possibly made.

  • Face Comparison

This fifth stage includes the process of the comparison of resulting digital face vectors. Also, including items stored in the database.

  • Face Recognition

This is the final human identity after the match is found.

What Is Image Recognition App Used For?

To build this app, you should know first the market to focus on. The following are examples of cool ideas:

  • Calculation of nutrition
  • Searching of images
  • Shopping app
  • Nature and environment
  • Languages
  • Personal Info


Now you have an idea of ​​what you need about creating an image recognition app. So, the rest depends on the developers you get. It is up to them that you should discuss the features of your project. Also, draw a plan and get into the business. But make sure you have a team experience that is capable of overcoming any difficulties.

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