how to do image recognition ios

How to Do Image Recognition iOS Using These 5 Nifty Apps

Want to know how to do image recognition iOS? These eight image recognition apps will help you. So, you can identify coins, plants, products, and much more with your phone’s camera.

Read on to learn more.

Image Recognition iOS

If you were to choose, what is the most important part of your phone?

For some people, their answer would be their phone’s camera. After all, it has tons of uses. From taking pictures to putting fun characters using augmented reality.

But, did you know that you could be missing out on another feature? Your phone camera can work as a visual search engine.

Well, what’s that? A visual search engine uses an image recognition technology with AI. So, you can identify just about anything you see in the world.

Here are the best image recognition apps for iOS users.

5 Nifty Apps for iOS with Image Recognition Feature

  1. Google Lens
  2. Pinterest
  3. Snapchat
  4. Vivino
  5. DietCameraAI

Now, how can you do image recognition using these apps?

How to Do Image Recognition iOS

Google Lens: For Everything

With computer vision, Google Lens can recognize items from images. It can also understand the concepts. For example, it can detect the following:

  • Apparel and home goods
  • Barcodes
  • Business card
  • Book
  • Event flyer or billboard
  • Landmark or building
  • Painting in a museum
  • Plant or animal
  • Foreign text
  • Restaurant menus
  • Math equation

Also, you can use it to find a product you want to buy. For example, you saw a beautiful flower in the park. 

Then, you want to buy something similar. With Google Lens, it can show you the nearest florist where you can buy it.

So, how can you do it? For iOS users, you can find it in the search bar of the main Google app.

Simply click the icon. Then, point the camera to the item. And voila! You’re good to go.

Pinterest: For Design and Art

Pinterest also a tool that can recognize images. Like Google, it shows you shopping links if you want to buy a product.

Simply download the Pinterest app. Then, click the camera icon to take a photo of an item.

Pinterest can also help you know what matches your outfit. So, you’ll solve your OOTD issues next time!

Snapchat: Amazon-Powered Visual Search

Another image recognition tool with visual search is Snapchat. Together with Amazon, it can bring up a card so you can visit the product listing.

Like Google and Pinterest Lens, you can simply take a picture of an object. Then, it will show you the product information.

You can even scan barcodes of an item. So, you’ll easily buy the product.

Vivino: Wine Identifier

Want to buy high-quality wine? Use Vivino!

All you have to do is to take a picture of the wine label. Then, it will show you information about whether you should buy it.

For example, it shows details such as how popular it is, the taste description, ingredients, how old it is, and more. 

DietCameraAI: Food Identifier and Calorie Counter

Hassle in keeping tabs on your calorie intake? DietCameraAI helps you add the number of calories of what you’re eating.

Simply take a picture of your food. Then, it will recognize the image. It can even offer feedback on your meals.

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