Image Recognition In Android Studio

How To Add Image Recognition In Android Studio?

Learning how to add image recognition in the android studio is our topic for this article. It is one of the fun and exciting things to do for those who love experimenting with pictures.

Introduction Of Add Image Recognition In Android Studio

Nowadays, technology is getting more and more advanced. So is the possibility of using artificial intelligence to make decisions and do tasks.

One of the most fascinating fields in this area is image recognition.

What Is Image Recognition?

Image recognition is the process of recognizing the content, object, scene, or text of images. This process involves a lot of existing algorithms.

It means that we can tell what is the content of an image by looking at it.

The process is very useful in many different fields. Such as security, medical, or marketing.

A lot of companies are using image recognition to reach great success.

For example, Google uses image recognition to detect what type of content a picture has. So that it can show some results about it.

It also helps a lot to improve the experience of users when they use a mobile app with an image recognition feature. Therefore, if you want to add some amazing features to your next mobile app.

Then adding an image recognition feature will be a great choice! In this article, we will learn how to add image recognition in android studio with an example project from scratch.

Step 1: Create New Project In Android Studio

For this example project, we will use Android Studio for development. Then create a new project with a pure Android approach.

It is since we will use the Android SDK for the implementation.

So here are the following steps.

  • After downloading and installing Android Studio 3.0, open it.
  • Create a new project through File > New > New Project.
  • Then select Basic Activity from Templates. Make sure that you choose an Empty Activity since we will only need views for this example project.
  • Then select Blank Activity from Activity Name. 
  • Now you can click on the Next button to proceed to the next step of creating a project. In this step, you can name your new project. Also set its location on your computer’s hard drive.
  • Then click on the Finish button to complete the creation part.

You can see your newly created project in the Project Navigation view on the right side portion of the Android studio screen.

Step 2: Add Adapter Class For Recycler View

Open your file explorer or command-line tool or any other tools.

So that you use it for browsing files like Windows Explorer or Finder.

  • Then go to the android folder which is located under the root of your project.
  • Go to app > src > main > res > layout folder.
  • Then create a new file named activity_main.xml.
  • After creating it, open it and add the following code to it. It is an empty view that will be used as our main layout to show some images.
  • Then go to app > src > main > res > drawable-xhdpi folder. Then create a new folder named image_recognition .
  • After that, create another new file named image_recognition.xml.
  • Open it and add the following code to it.
  • This is an XML file that will store all the images for this example project.

Now you need to put your images inside the image_recognition folder in the drawable-xhdpi directory under the res directory of your project’s root directory.

You can search for some images on Google or download them from other sources that you trust. Then put them inside the image_recognition folder in the drawable-xhdpi folder under the res directory of your project’s root directory.

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