How Much Does Image Recognition Cost

How Much Does Image Recognition Cost?

Let us learn how much does it cost for image recognition and if it is worth it. As it become big impact to companies and individuals.

Capabilities Of Image Recognition

Image recognition is like categorizing images and objects, placing them into separate classes. 

Moreover, image recognition has a wide range of applications. Such as 

  • In manufacturing. Manufacturers who produce massive products.
  • High-end Vehicles or called the driverless car. Moreover, the system is automatically running the car engines.
  • Militaries Surveillance, for detecting unusual activities 

So the list above are just a few of many many applications of image recognition. Moreover, that’s is the reason why more companies interest in image recognition. 

Also, they even built apps.

So let see how much does it cost to have an image recognition application programming interface APIs.

The Feature And Cost Of Image Recognition APIs

So, we will list providers that extend various features for visual data processing.

  • Image classification
  • Object apprehension
  • Visual product search
  • Processing of documents. It can be printed or handwritten text.
  • Medical analysis

Cloud Vision API Of Google 

Cloud Vision API

  • You can use the Faces and Facial Landmarks. However individual face recognition is not supported.
  • You can obtain information about entities in an image. 
  • Can identify popular logos
  • It has landmark detection features. For example tourist spots.
  • Can detect explicit content. Such as spoof, adult, violence, racy, and medical.

The first 1,000 units/month is free.

1,001 to 5,0000,000 units/month may cost $1,501.5 – $7,500,000. So the price range per unit is $1.5.

Amazon Rekognition 

It offers integrating image and video analysis. 

Also its features:

  • It recognizes the labels such as objects, scenes, or concepts.
  • Capable of identifying celebrities.
  • Can capture motion.
  • Identifies unsafe content such as nudity, violence, suggestive, disturbing scenes.
  • Also, can detect text in images.

Amazon’s video pricing is by time. Analyzing videos cost $0.10/min (billed per second)

However, the Livestream video cost up to $0.12/min 

Also in analyzing image up the 1 million images can cost $1M. That’s a lesser price than Google Cloud vision.

IBM Watson Visual Recognition

The IBM cloud depends on deep learning algorithms.

Its features offer

  • The general mode where it provides default ordering.
  • Filters explicit images.’
  • It can identify the food items in the picture.
  • Extract text from natural scene

Also, it comes with two categories of pricing. 

  1. The Lite
  2. The Standard

In Lite, users can analyze up to 1000 images with the inclusion of

  • pre-trained models for free
  • retrain two free custom models.
  • Also, Core ML exports as a special offer.

In Standard, it cost $0.002/custom image classification and also $0.10 for a custom model.

Microsoft Azure Cloud

The Microsoft Azure cloud is divided into groups.

  1. image and video summary 
  2. face detection
  3. written and printed text recognition

Its features

  • Can detect up to 100 people’s face with their designated location.
  • Filter adult content such as pornographic images
  • Has brand recognition. However, it is only available in English.
  • Classify landmarks or places
  • Identify handwritten, shapes, and layout coordinates.

The first 1 million activities will cost $1/1,000 images.

100 million activities would cost $0.04/1,000 images.


There is plenty of APIs available. However, the real deal here is to pick the right API for you.

Always choose the one that can meet your need also the one that come with the right price.

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