how image recognition uses data science

How Image Recognition Uses Data Science?

Do you know what data science is? How image recognition uses data science? On the contrary, how does it assist image recognition?

Overview About Data Science

Such use of data science imitates human activities. Like our speech and sight.

In this context, we will focus on the AI ​​’vision’ factor. We are living in a world where everyone thrives. Also, smartphones are everywhere with high-quality cameras.

Available on cloud-based platforms AI tools have proven to be useful. Such as in clicking, storing, and editing. Also in sharing and filtering videos and images.

Today, data science masters already know the help of this in the users. But before discussing the use of data science in image recognition. Let’s learn first the meaning of this concept.

What Is Image Recognition?

Leading markets nowadays is image recognition. That is expected to have total revenue by 2021 of approximately $39 billion.

Moreover, image recognition is a component of the image processing technique.

Image recognition also has a simple definition. It is the recognition of places, people, and objects. As well as recognition of logos, patterns, shapes, and colors. In short, everything visible in the image.

How Image Recognition Uses Data Science?

In many fields, data science can be used. Particularly in eCommerce. User work is limited to taking pictures with their cameras. And also uploading both. So Ai tools are starting to read the image now. And get important information from it.

  • Face Recognition

Data science tools begin to recognize the human face the moment you open the camera. Also matching the faces in all the photos in its information base.

All the highlights of your face are read by the AI ​​face recognition system. And then compares these components in its database to find a match.

Moreover, face recognition systems are mostly used to unlock a smartphone. But by the use of your face.

Aside from that, it tends to use for recognizing faces via social media posts. As well as tagging people accordingly.

However, this leads to violations of privacy. Because AI displays the users’ identity without permission.

  • Objects Detection

Ai is not only helping users in face recognition. But it is also identifying all the present objects in the camera.

The tools scan everything and try to name and see them. So far, data science’s most advanced and developed tool is visual search.

  • Text Detection

AI is trying to read the text and identify what the image content is. It captures the written words from the image. So that it will identify what about the picture.

  • Pattern Recognition

Data science recognizes any special image patterns. Then matches it with its information base. These patterns may indicate a facial texture or an expression.

Moreover, the shapes and colors present in the image detects by technology. Also, it gives users a proper perspective on the contents of the image.

  • Logos and Landmark Detection

AI tools try to capture natural or artificial landmarks. As well as image business logos.


For further learnings on how this technology is working. Online machine learning tutorials can help. To be more familiar with image processing. As well as image recognition with data science power.

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