How Image Recognition AI Work

How Image Recognition AI Work And Its Contribution?

One of the trendy topics these days is image recognition ai, so let tackle how it work? And why many have to interest in it?

About The Image recognition

Let’s learn from the basics. Some may confuse about image recognition and image processing is the same. However, they are not.

The image processing is converting an image into a digital pattern. Then it will make certain operations on it. Such as the listed below

  • Color processing – where it process color in the image
  • Enhancement of images – from the quality of the image from the hidden details are executes. 
  • Restoration of an image – old images that are blurred or have dirt is being cleans and undergo the process of restoration. 
  • Data processing of image – putting the description and description of the data for visualization. 
  • Image recovery – the image is being captured and converted to data.
  • Squeezing and decompression of the image – if needed. Like resizing the image and its resolution.
  • Image recognition – Identifying objects.

Yes! You read it right. Image recognition is part of image processing.

However, image recognition also a lot to offer and have a wide range of applications. As it is helpful in individuals and companies.

Identifying objects such as

  • Places
  • Animals
  • Buildings
  • Logo
  • etc.

How Image Recognition Work And How AI Contributed?

Image recognition works

  • Firstly, by gathering and organizing the data.
  • By constructing and depicting objects and their features the image is created.
  • After the image is created the computer starts to analyze.
  • Organizing the data again, the classifying. The one that is not needed is left out.
  • Then starts creating the predictive model.
  • Start the model training.
  • After the model training, it is being tests for accuracy.

And everything that is listed above is done with the help of Artificial Intelligence or ai. The ai is like human intelligence in form of machines.

It is program to copy what humans can do, like identifying objects and classifying.

Here Tools For Image Recognition AI

  1. Google – One of the companies that released many image recognition app. It also supports the OpenCV library. Moreover, this tool gives great coverage and it is easy to use. However, it lacks real analytics in its results.
  2. Brandwatch Insights – It has a fabulous solution. Also, it is developed by the in-house engineering team. What it offers are,
  • the accuracy level than another competitor
  • higher coverage
  • the tool can track any brand logo.
  1. Amazon Rekognition – By using this of course as an app for image recognition you can detect objects. Moreover, it also offers to search and compare faces. 

Its limitations are, you need to feed first it with thousands of images that you wanted to analyze. 

  1. Clarifai – Well, here is one of the best and accurate image recognition ai that works. It offers,
  • tagging
  • organizing
  • understanding images
  • and also videos.
  1. Google Vision – Also another google app. It is like a reverse image search. Also, it comes with and options. Such as
  • training your own custom image models
  • using pre-trained models that it supplies.


Image Recognition ai work in a wide range of applications. And now as individuals, we can easily access and experience it.

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