Image Search On Mobile

How Can I Image Search On Mobile?

Let us see how we can do an image search on mobile? Also, let us learn the following advantages in using it?

Intro: Image Search On Mobile

Now, let us start first on the basics. Learning what is image search?

Let us explain this to you. In the past, there was no such thing as Image Searching on mobile. However, if you thought that image searching is a new thing, then you are wrong.

First of all, let us learn what image searching is? For example, if you want to search for a song on Google, then you just type in “song name” in the search bar.

Similarly, if you want to search for an actor or actress’s name, then you will type the name in the search bar. Right?

But what if I give an image of the song or actor? How do you think Google will search for it?

Is it possible? Yes! It is possible with the help of Image Search.

Now let us learn what image search is? Well, image search is something that helps you to find similar images with the help of just one picture.

This means that with a single picture, we can easily find similar images on Google. Right? Well, this was something impossible in the past.

But now it is possible because of improvements in technology. So now it is very easy to do image searching with the help of Google.

Also, using this tool has many advantages.

Advantages Of Image Search On Mobile:

Well now let us see how we can use image search on mobile. Let us know some advantages of using this type of searching on Mobile.

Also, let’s know how we can use it? Let us learn these things now:

  • Easy To Search:

As I said earlier that It is very easy to do an image search. If you want to do a normal text search, then it is very tough and tiring.

But if you want to do an image search, then it is very easy. That is why it is a very good option for searching for anything on Google.

  • Save Time:

This is the second advantage of Image Search on Mobile. As I said earlier, it is very easy to do an image search, but what about the time?

You can save a lot of time by using this image searching tool. Because you can get results in just one click, right?

How To Use Image Search On Mobile:

Now let us see how we can use image searching on mobile? Let’s learn this with the help of the following steps:

  • Steps To Use Image Search On Mobile:

First Of all, open Google Now on your Mobile device. If you don’t know how to open Google Now on your mobile device, then read our post on Google Nowhere.

There are different methods to open it. However, I will tell you the easiest method in this post. 

Now just say “Ok Google” and then say “Search something”. Then Google will ask you what you want to search for?

Just say “Images” or “Image Search” and then tap on the microphone icon

You can also type in “image search” in the search bar and then tap on the microphone icon. Then after saying or typing anything in the search bar, tap on the right arrow icon and choose Images.

Now it will take some time to load images. But after loading images, it will show you the results of your searched images.

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