Can Image Recognition Software Recognize Filters?

Can image recognition software recognize filters?

This is an interesting discussion. It is because nowadays a lot of applications adapt to image recognition. 

So, you may wonder if it is safe. You may worry your identity will be stolen if you have your face detected. 

Then, your face will still be detected even if it has filters. 

So, let us now discuss how does it work. Also, we will learn how the developers made sure that you are safe. 

As you go on, it will give you a wider view of technology. With that, you will enjoy this advanced technology made for you. 

Image Recognition in the Society

During this time of coronavirus pandemic, this is a great help. 

So, you do not need to touch anything outside. You have to show your face like access to your identity. 

Image recognition is a way of identifying your face for you to allow access. This is one of the features of using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It means that this technology is developing. Also, it is improving every single day. 

Also, a lot of companies now are using image recognition. 

Are you familiar with Apple’s Face ID? That is generally called image recognition. 

We do not have the same facial features. So, it is helpful for your security too. 

But, what do developers do more to improve performance? Let us find out. 

Can Image Recognition Software Recognize Filters?

The answer will depend on the application you have in mind. 

One of the applications who are using this is Snapchat

It is fun when you try a lot of filters. Also, you may change your face into having a dog’s tongue. 

Or, you may enjoy the face swap feature. But, is it safe?

The good news is yes. It is safe to use. Why? Consider the following. 

First, developers enhanced the performance of the system. Now they are using the 3D feature. 

So, a picture alone of your face will not work. It needs to detect a 3D kind of shape. 

Second, it is connected with the use of a filter. When you use filters, the management assured that they will not steal your identity. 

So, you can be assured that your privacy will be safe. Also, you do not need to worry while using it. 

Instead, you will enjoy using the application. Changing face features are indeed fun! 

There is also a reminder. Always be careful when you use any type of application. 

Make sure that you know their privacy policy. 

So whenever you open the application, you know that it is safe. Even if you have filters!


This article helped us to understand the safety of our identity. 

So, can image recognition software recognize filters? Yes.

But, we do not need to worry. It is because developers made sure that your security is a priority.

In whatever applications you use, be careful. Remember to act. 

The benefits will all come to you. Also, you will enjoy it even with filters.

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