Can Facial Recognition Be Fooled By Images?

Can facial recognition be fooled by images? You may wonder about this too. 

It is essential to know the answer to this question. It is because most of the phones are using it to unlock your system. 

Also, there will be no use if your phone will be open just through the photo facing the camera. 

So, you might also worry about the security of your data. Not only that, it will help you assure us about the safety of our lives. 

In this article, we will know what is facial recognition. That is why it is useful. Lastly, we will answer the question: can facial recognition be fooled by images?

What is Facial Recognition?

Are you familiar with Apple’s Face ID? Yes, it is one of the examples of facial recognition. 

It is a way of giving access to your phone without needing to type your password. 

First, you need to register your face on your phone. After that, your phone will open and allow use if it will be a match on your face. 

You may wonder, why is facial recognition important? Consider the following:

  • Useful especially during this pandemic. The coronavirus will spread through the things we touch outside. So, when it goes to our mouth, eyes, or nose, it will be dangerous. 

So, facial recognition will give access to the counter if you need to buy something. Also, you will not need to touch the money or countertop. 

  • It will not easily fool the thieves. It is because it is made in advancing the technology system. Even the person who looks like you will still not open your phone. 

Can Facial Recognition Be Fooled By Images?

The answer will depend on the phone you are using. 

If you are using ios, you will have the face id feature. The system has 3D identification, so it will not be easily deceived by the image. 

Sadly, many of the android users confirmed that it will open even if it was just a picture. 

Some of the brands are the following:

  • Samsung
  • Huawei
  • Motorola
  • Sony

But, there is a good thing in knowing the problem. So that it will be raised to the phone companies. 

So, they will be able to fix it with the developers. Also, you use the phone with more security and safety.

If you have tried this yourself, you can contact the company on your phone. So, they will help you fix the problem. 

Also, they will become aware of it. 


Can facial recognition be fooled by images? The answer will depend on your phone. 

Some android phones are still working on it. But, there are also phones like Apple that are good. 

The picture will not pass on a 3D recognition system. So, it will make your identity in safety. 

Also, do not worry because you can send a message about your phone. The company will be aware of it. 

Then, you will also soon experience good phone security. 

But, remember to be careful so that your safety will not be at risk.

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