Image Recognition Using CNN

Advantages Of Image Recognition Using CNN

What are the following advantages if the image recognition will use the CNN? It is an interesting topic to discuss. So shall we start?

What Is Image Recognition?

Image recognition is the process that enables a machine to identify an image. Just as a human being can identify an image.

Computer Vision, as well as Machine Learning, is the main field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This field has been around since the late 60s and early 70s.

It involves developing techniques and algorithms. To enable computers to understand and analyze images. Using digital cameras and scanners, and to understand and speak human language.

Computer vision has many illustrative applications such as:

  • Face Detection
  • Facial Recognition
  • Vehicle License Plate Recognition (ALPR)
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Image Stitching (Panorama creation)

What Is CNN?

CNN is a type of Machine Learning. It is a type of neural network.

It is a kind of automatic feature extraction process. In which the input is provided in the form of an image. And the output is again an image that is processed by CNN. This is done layer after layer.

Also, ultimately it creates a new image from this original image. Then it classifies it into certain categories and then recognizes that image.

Next, it compares it with the rest of the images and then recognizes that also.

It can be used for various applications such as:

  • Image Classification
  • Image Segmentation
  • Face Detection
  • Image Classification

Image classification is a process wherein an image is classified into different groups such as:

  • Animal,
  • vegetable, and
  • mineral
  • Plants and trees,
  • flowers, fruits, etc.

Image Segmentation:

Image segmentation is a process where each pixel of an image gets its region in the image and then the boundaries of that region are determined and then that information gets stored in another separate file or database or memory area.

Face Detection:

Face detection is again another application of CNNs. Here we try to detect faces inside an image.

This process of face detection is possible due to CNNs. The more faces we get in one picture or one frame, the more accurate our CNN.

We get good results from our CNN if we get more faces in our pictures or images. By using CNNs we have successfully detected human faces in pictures.

Now let’s see, how important is CNN in image recognition?

As we see in the above table, CNN is playing a vital role in image recognition. It is one of the most important steps to be taken.

Here, we have done a little bit of comparison to understand it better. Now let’s take a look at the next topic Image Classification Using CNN.

In Conclusion

Image recognition using CNN is an important topic. This topic is related to Deep Learning. Deep Learning can be used for various applications.

CNN’s are playing a vital role in image recognition these days. All of this is because of the advancement in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning.

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